2nd Green Hydrogen Innovation Congress 2024

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    time08:30 Uhr
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    place International Congress Center Dresden
    Ostra-Ufer 2
    01067 Dresden

On 29th May 2024, the second “Green Hydrogen Innovation Congress” (GHIC 2024) will take place in Dresden, the capital of the Free State of Saxony. At the GHIC 2024, the latest developments in hydrogen technology and business will be presented and discussed by leading hydrogen players, decision-makers and experts on the topics of sustainable production, efficient transport and trade as well as innovative applications of green hydrogen.

With the Green Hydrogen Innovation Congress, the Free State of Saxony wants to share and promote best-practice examples for a faster ramp-up of a global hydrogen market. This includes the use of hydrogen in all sectors: industry, mobility, heat and energy supply. Therewith, the potential of hydrogen as a sustainable energy carrier shall become reality. Guided by the motto “Accelerating the global hydrogen market through regional cooperation”, the international congress will focus on the entire hydrogen value chain showcasing that regions are the key places for the implementation of national and European hydrogen strategies

The congress is directed to the general professional public, companies and political decision-makers from Germany and abroad. All information on the Green Hydrogen Innovation Congress 2024 can be found on the GHIC 2024 website. Participation in the hybrid congress is free of charge. The conference language is English.