The international Conference for Fuel Cell Technologies and Green Hydrogen
Inspiring Perspectives: Our Keynote Speakers
Die Wasserstoffstrategie von Toyota. Dr. Stephan Herbst | TOYOTA MOTOR EUROPE NV/SA
Industrialization of Fuel Cells for Heavy-Duty Long-Haul Applications. Dr. Florian Henkel | CELLCENTRIC GmbH & Co. KG
Hyundai Motor Company, Hydrogen Business Vision, Strategy and Cases: Insights from Hyundai Europe. Jung Jae Lee | HYUNDAI MOTOR EUROPE
Wasserstoffsystem-Produktion als Chance für eine nachhaltige Wertschöpfung. Dr. Ulrike Beyer | FRAUNHOFER IWU
Ganz vorn dabei – so profitieren Hersteller, Zulieferer, KMU und Startups vom Aufbau des Hydrogen Innovation Center. Karl Lötsch | HIC gGmbH – HYDROGEN INNOVATION CENTER
In-Depth Insights: Our Scientific Presentations
Click: Room Overview, Program, and Presentations
PEM Components and Testing
PEM Components: MEA
PEM Components Bipolar Plates
Analytic and Measurement Methods
Cross Cutting
PEM Cathode Air Supply
Exclusive Laboratory Tours: A Behind-the-Scenes LookExklusive Laborrundgänge
Fraunhofer ENAS invites you to an exclusive lab tour at the institute on the Smart Systems Campus in Chemnitz. The tour highlights advanced printing technologies used to produce Catalyst Coated Membranes (CCM) for Membrane Electrode Assemblies (MEAs) in fuel cells and electrolyzers. In the lab, you’ll learn more about these specialized printing techniques and the materials involved. This research is part of the Reference Factory.H2 project, in which Fraunhofer IWU and ENAS collaborate closely. Additionally, you’ll be introduced to a hydrogen sensor developed in partnership with Chemnitz University of Technology, capable of measuring high hydrogen concentrations even in conditions of high humidity.
Fraunhofer IWU offers tours of its test field laboratory. Here, you’ll explore research on various manufacturing processes for hydrogen system components, including the forming and joining of bipolar plates, the hydrogen lab, the fuel cell test bench, a hydrogen system demonstrator, and applications such as a hydrogen-based power supply system. Future regional strategies for fuel cells and electrolyzers will also be discussed.Participants on Conference Day 1 can sign up for the tours directly at registration.
Networking: Make Valuable Connections!
Make new contacts and enjoy handcrafted beers and grilled specialties from Stein’s BBQ at the Braumanufaktur Munzer. Admission is free, and food and drinks are self-pay. Not included in the conference ticket – register here.
A special musical highlight awaits you at the conference dinner: the adult ensemble Brass94 from the Youth Wind Orchestra of the City of Thum e.V. With their diverse repertoire, ranging from swing to rock, pop, and current hits, the approximately 30 musicians will create a lively atmosphere. From Glenn Miller to Westernhagen – the perfect mix for an unforgettable evening! 6:30 PM – Conference Dinner at Kraftverkehr Chemnitz. Included in the conference ticket.
Scientific Comitee
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas von Unwerth, Leitung Institut für Automobilforschung, Technische Universität Chemnitz
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Welf-Guntram Drossel, Vice Chairman of HZwo e.V.; Executive Director of Fraunhofer IWU
Prof. Dr. Karel Bouzek, Director of the Department of Inorganic Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
Prof. Dr. Harry Hoster, Holder of the Chair of Energy Technology at the University of Duisburg-Essen; Scientific Director/ZBT – The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Center
Dr. Alexander Trattner, CEO and Research Director/HyCentA Research GmbH; Institute of Thermodynamics and Sustainable Propulsion Systems at Graz University of Technology
Prof. Dr. Markus Hölzle, Member of the Board and Head of the Electrochemical Energy Technologies Division/Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg
Dr. Ulrike Beyer, Head of Reference Factory.H2, Fraunhofer IWU
*Price information and cancellation conditions can be found under tickets and registration
Would you like to support us as a cooperation partner?
Please register and send us your proposal! After checking your application, we will contact you to discuss the next steps.
Scientific Coordination
Dr.-Ing. Gert Schlegel +49 151 41 88 16 14 |
Congress Organisation
Kristin Lötsch +49 160 99 65 98 90 |
Tickets and Registration
Ticket Prices
- 890,00 € standard
- 390,00 € reduced (Members of HZwo e.V.*, external speakers)
Further Information
*Members are defined as association members of HZwo e.V. and cluster members of Energy Saxony All services are tax-exempt (§ 4 Nr. 22 Buchst. a UStG).
Cancelation fee: From 15th October 2024: 50 % of the registration fee. From 1st November 2024: 100 % of the registration fee.
Monday, 11. November 2024
Braumanufaktur Munzer, Reichsstraße 1, 09112 Chemnitz
17:00 - HZwo scientific round table
On the evening before the FC³, we warmly welcome all participants, speakers and people interested in hydrogen to the premises of Braumanufaktur Munzer. Take the opportunity to get a taste of Chemnitz cuisine in the form of hand-brewed beers and the finest grilled food from Stein's BBQ in addition to making new contacts.
Admission is free, food and drinks are self-pay.
This programme item is not included in the conference ticket. Please register here. Please register here.
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Carlowitz Congresscenter Chemnitz, Carlowitzcenter Chemnitz Theaterstraße 3, 09111 Chemnitz
09:00 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 12:00 Opening and Keynotesession, Carlowitzsaal
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch break
13:00 – 14:30 Presentations Session 1
14:30 – 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 – 16:45 Presentations Session 2
18:30 – 23:00 Dinner at Kraftverkehr Chemnitz, Fraunhoferstraße 60, 09120 Chemnitz
Wednesday, 13. November 13 2024
Carlowitz Congresscenter Chemnitz, Carlowitzcenter Chemnitz Theaterstraße 3, 09111 Chemnitz
(!) 08.00 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 10:00 Presentations Session 3
10:30 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45 Presentations Session 4
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 15:30 Presentations Session 5
15:30 – 16:00 Closing remarks
Event Locations
By car.
Coming from the south, take the A72 to the exit Chemnitz-Süd. Continue on the B173 and follow the signs.
Coming from the north, take the A4 to the exit Chemnitz Mitte and then continue on the B95 towards Chemnitz Zentrum.
The following car parks are located directly near Carlowitz Congress Centre:
- Underground car park Galerie "Roter Turm", connection to the Stadthallen-Foyer/Carlowitz-Foyer
- Underground car park Terminal 3, connection to the Stadthalle foyer
- Car park Rathaus Passagen
There are numerous other parking options available to visitors in the city centre.
Public transport:
- Take a tram from the main railway station to the "Roter Turm" stop. From there it is a 3 minute walk.
- The long-distance bus stop is located near the main railway station at the bus station. Bus lines and the tram run from there to the city centre.
- The main railway station is about a 10-minute walk from the Carlowitz Congress Centre. Walk to the main exit and cross the station forecourt. Turn right into Carolastraße and then left into Straße der Nationen, which leads directly to your destination.
Further information on hire bikes, charging stations and bike garages:
KRAFTVERKEHR (Conference Dinner 12.11.2024)
- How to get there:
- Free parking is possible directly next to the event hall,
Taxi-Genossenschaft Chemnitz eG: +49 371 369000
Further questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us:
Conference Organisation:; + 49 371-531 31515
Wissenstransfer im cyber-physischen Labor des DIONA-Projektes
Benjamin Koch, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
CAMELOT - Understanding charge, mass and heat tranfer in fuel cells for transport applications
Senén Moya Sáez, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
Rh-based Pre-Reformer Catalysts: An efficient and adaptable solution for SOFC systems
Dr. Pragati Joshi, Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH & Co. KG |
ReSIDA-H2: Smarte Brennstoffzellen - Sensorintegration und effiziente Datenanalyse für die Regelung von Wasserstoffbrennstoffzellen
Christopher Bickmann, TU Chemnitz, Zentrum für Mikro- und Nanotechnologien |
Model Predictive Temperature Control for Fuel Cell Systems
Michael Hauck, TU Chemnitz, Professur Regelungstechnik & Systemdynamik |
09:00 - 10:00 Registration at Carlowitz Congresscenter
10:00 - 12:00 Opening and keynotes
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas von Unwerth, Head of the Institute for Automotive Research, Chemnitz University of Technology
Prof. Welf-Guntram Drossel, Executive Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU
Florian Henkel | CELLCENTRIC GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Ulrike Beyer | FRAUNHOFER IWU
12:00 - 13:00 Lunchbreak
13:00 - 14:30 Presentations Session 1
Methodische Analyse unterschiedlicher Systemtopologien und -komponenten für Polymerelektrolytmembran-Brennstoffzellen auf Basis eines 1 kW-Testsystems
Dr.-Ing. Nico Keller, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
Generischer Stack – Konzept, Test und Modellierung
Joachim Scholta, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung |
Experiences from the development of rolling test benches for fuel cell powertrains
Dr. Tim Lochner, Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG |
Machine learning based soft sensor development for automotive fuel cell applications
Bhanu Seth, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institute of Product Engineering |
Großserientechnologische Fertigung von Endplatten-Verspannsysteme für Brennstoffzellenstacks
René Schmiedel, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
From Roll to End of Line - Aumann als innovativer Komplettanbieter in der Wasserstofftechnologie
Stefan Groß und Dennis Mantel, Aumann Limbach-Oberfrohna GmbH |
HYVENTUS – Design und Produktion von Elektrolyseurplatten durch Hohlprägewalzen
Franz Reuther, ZFraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU |
Laserstrukturierung von Prägewerkzeugen für die Bipolarplatten-Fertigung als Alternative zur klassischen CNC-Bearbeitung
Luca Zschenderlein, 3D-Micromac AG |
Industriell nutzbarer Modellierungsansatz für das Wassermanagement in Brennstoffzellen und BoP-Komponenten eines BZ-Systems
Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Ortlieb, Simerics GmbH |
Title t.b.a.,
Thanuj Singaravelan, Fraunhofer-Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme |
Blackbox modelling of fuel cell components without mathematical solvers for real time simulation with reduced order model approach for web application
Florian Dennewitz, ZBT - Zentrum für Brennstoffzellen-Technik GmbH |
Erstellung eines mathematischen Modells eines brennstoffzellenbetriebenen Mikro-KWK-Systems
Zheng Cao, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
14:30 - 15:15 Coffeebreak
15:15 - 16:45 Presentations Session 2
Ultradünne Komposit-Bipolarfolien aus dem Pulver-zu-Rolle-Prozess für NT-PEM-Brennstoffzellen
Dr.-Ing. Michael Joemann, Fraunhofer-Institut für Umwelt-, Sicherheits- und Energietechnik |
Bewertung von Prüfverfahren und Auswertungsansätzen für die inlinefähige Qualitätskontrolle in der hochratenfähigen Bipolarplattenfertigung
Leutrim Gjakova, Fraunhofer Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik |
Effect of graphite bipolar plate flow channel geometry on HT-PEM fuel cell stack performance under different operating parameter
Tansu Özel, Fraunhofer Institut für chemische Technologie |
Analyse von Graphit-Compound-Bipolarplatten für den Einsatz in NT-PEM-FC hergestellt durch unterschiedliche Fertigungsprozesse
Christian Schmidt, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
Robust & efficient stack operation for heavy-duty applications based on highly integrated anode functions
Stefan Hemmer, EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies GmbH |
Model based investigation on drive train performance of a heavy-duty fuel cell truck focusing on the fuel cell air delivery system
Philipp Rathke, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
Fuel Cell Powertrain for Mining and Construction Machines
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Christian Zinner, HyCentA Research GmbH |
Kathodengasversorgungssysteme für Flugantriebe mit H2-Mikrogasturbine zur Verringerung der Abwärme
Sebastian Lück, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Institut für Flugantriebe und Strömungsmaschinen |
Bestimmung von Schwefelkontaminationen in Wasserstoffgas
Mario Kallenbach, Shimadzu Deutschland GmbH |
Laser assisted analytical depth profiling (LAADP) an wasserstoffbeladenen Titanproben - ein innovatives Verfahren für die hochpräzise Wasserstoffanalytik
Niklas Berger, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Landesforschungszentrum OPTIMAS, Institut für Oberflächen und Schichttechnik GmbH |
Sensorintegration für die Regelung des Betriebs von Wasserstoffbrennstoffzellen
Lucas Viriato, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
Nanodevices for hydrogen-aware condition monitoring towards ppb detection
Simon Böttger, Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme |
18:30 - 23:00 Dinner @ Kraftverkehr Chemnitz
Registration: 18:00 - 18:30
! Beginn eine Stunde früher
08:00 - 09:00 Registrierung at Carlowitz Congresscenter
09:00 - 10:30 Presentations Session 3
Understanding PEM fuel cell cathode catalyst layers
Ulf Groos, Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE |
Sulfonated poly(phenylene sulfone) polymers: a sustainable alternative to fluorinated materials in PEMFC
Didem Yazili-Marini, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) |
Processing of hierarchically structured electrodes with varying catalysts for PEM fuel cells
Nadine Zimmerer, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT, Thin Film Technology |
Inkjet printing of catalyst layers with material gradients for PEM fuel cell
Tatiana Zubkova, Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme ENAS |
Coordination of the activities in the field of energy conversion and storage in the czech republic
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karel Bouzek, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague |
Investigation and economic assessment of usage scenarios for green hydrogen in discrete manufacturing
Marc Münnich, Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU |
Grüne Technologie-Synergie: Blockchain revolutioniert Wasserstoff
Dr. Volker Wannack, Hochschule Mittweida, Blockchain Competence Center Mittweida (BCCM) |
Modellbasierte Simulation und Regelung eines Brennstoffzellen-Energiemanagementsystems am Beispiel der Experimentalplattform „HZwo: OSCar“
Rico Löser, Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU |
Experimentelle Analyse und FEM-Simulation des mechanischen Verhaltens von Sili-kondichtungen in Polymerelektrolytmembran-Brennstoffzellen
Stefan Beringer, HyCentA Research GmbH |
Modelling of gas and temperature distribution in a high-pressure vessel during hydrogen refuelling
Senén Moya Sáez, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
10:30 - 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 - 12:45 Presentations Session 4
Cost reduction and performance improvements of PEMFCs through using innovative carbon paper technology
Dr.-Ing. Carsten Pohlmann, Matt Chen, Amos Yang, Vision One Energy GmbH |
Influence of the microstructure on the forming behaviour of bipolar plates
Sebastian Porstmann, Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU |
Herausforderungen bei der Herstellung von graphitischen Bipolarhalbplatten im Spritzprägeprozess für die Anwendung in PEM-FC Sten Richter, TU Chemnitz, Institut für Strukturleichtbau |
HZwo:ShortStack – Entwicklung einer Bewertungsempfehlung zur Abschätzung von Kenngrößen einer metallischen Bipolarplatte und des Zelldesigns von PEM-Brennstoffzellen
Alexander Barthold, ICM – Institut Chemnitzer Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. |
Advanced thermal fuel cell modelling embedded in overall vehicle thermal management co-simulation
Christian Frühwirth, TU Graz, Institut für Thermodynamik und nachhaltige Antriebssysteme |
Optimal energy management for fuel cell hybrid train applications
Ziqi Chen, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
HZwo:KLeE - Entwicklung eines hocheffizienten Kosten- und Lebensdaueroptimierten Brennstoffzellensystems für die dezentrale Energieversorgung im produzierenden Gewerbe
Fabian Braun, ICM – Institut Chemnitzer Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. |
Simulative Untersuchung des Last Mile Problems in der sächsischen (Wasserstoff-)Industrie
Pierre Grzona, TU Chemnitz, Professur Fabrikplanung und Intralogistik |
Elektrochemische State-of-Health-Charakterisierung zur Onboard-Anwendung mittels adaptierter galvanostatischer Auflademethode (AGCM): Untersuchung von Systemeinflüssen
Leonie Moeller, Robert-Bosch GmbH |
Nichtinvasive lokale Impedanzbestimmung in PEM-Brennstoffzellenstapeln
Jens Eller, Paul Scherrer Institut PSI |
Experimentelle Untersuchung des Intrusionsverhaltens von Gasdiffusionslagen (GDL) in Kanalquerschnittskonturen für unterschiedliche GDL-Typen
Phillip Hübner, TU Chemnitz, Professur Alternative Fahrzeugantriebe |
Noble metal monitoring:from lab to production
Jana M. Kalbacova, HORIBA Jobin Yvon GmbH |
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 15:30 Presentations Session 5
Entwicklung eines ganzheitlichen Konzepts für das recyclinggerechte Design von Elektrolyseur- und Brennstoffzellenkomponenten
Muralimohan Juttu-Vidyasagar, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Professur für Gas- und Wärmetechnische Anlagen |
Modelling PEM-degradation during electrolysis via catalytic water formation on platinum - a tool for testing and developing electrolyzers
Dr. Gregor Zwaschka, Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU |
Inkjet printed Catalyst Coated Membranes for Electrolysis Applications
Christian Zeiner, Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme ENAS |
Abwärme und Sauerstoff: wertvolle Nebenprodukte zur Rentabilitätssteigerung der Elektrolyse
Laura Thiel, Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU |
Einfluss der Trägheit der Gasführungskomponenten auf den dynamischen Betrieb des PEM-Brennstoffzellensystems
Jan Haußmann, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT, IPEK – Institut für Produktentwicklung |
On the design point selection for the cathode air supply components of a PEM fuel cell system in aviation
Patrick Meyer, TU Braunschweig, Institut für Flugantriebe und Strömungsmaschinen |
Cathode exhaust gas recirculation: enhancing polymer electrolyte mebrane fuel cell systems for reduced idling power consumption and faster cold starts
Martin Aggarwal, HyCentA Research GmbH |
Anlagentechnik für kosteneffiziente PVD-Beschichtungslösungen für Bipolarplatten in Brenstoffzellen und Elektrolyseanwendungen
Susann Puppe, VON ARDENNE GmbH |
Plasma-activated EB-PVD for High-Throughput Continuous Coating of Bipolar Plates
Stefan Saager, Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik FEP |
From decal coating to membrane direct coating in catalyst coated membrane (CCM) production
Philipp Quarz, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie KIT, Thin Film Technology |
Mikrostrukturelle Optimierungen von Subtrat und Beschichtungen für verbesserte Eigenschaften vorbeschichteter Folien zur Herstellungen von Bipolarplatten
Alexander Wemme, VON ARDENNE GmbH | Marcel Wolfstädter, Zapp Precision Metals GmbH |