The symposium with a technology exhibition to touch and try out!
Organised by the national transformation hub cH2ance for the automotive and supplier industry, we will once again be offering exciting specialist presentations from the field of hydrogen technologies and insights into pioneering projects and companies in 2024. Another highlight is our technology exhibition, which is free and open to everyone: citizens, insiders, experts and anyone who wants to become one.
Presentations on OEM strategy, insights into pioneering projects for the automotive and supplier industry, technology presentations
- Toyota Deutschland GmbH
- Robert Bosch GmbH
- AVL Deutschland GmbH
- WätaS FuelCell Saxony GmbH
- Paul Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH
- move technology GmbH
- H2 MOBILITY Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Networking and professional exchange with the hydrogen community
- Speed dating B2B – 15 new contacts in 30 minutes! (only after registration when booking tickets)
- Subsidy consulting
Registration for the conference is now closed and the event is fully booked.
Visiting the technology exhibition is still free of charge and open to all interested parties.
Ride & Drive, technology platforms, H2 vehicles, component exhibition and much more.
- Toyota Autohaus Chemnitz – Ride and Drive possible! Drive a hydrogen vehicle yourself!
- Evangelische Schulgemeinschaft Erzgebirge – the model racing cars of the “EGE-Hydrofoxes” will once again take part in an exciting race!
- Chemnitz University of Technology – Open Source to touch – the research fuel cell stack of the Department of Advanced Powertrains
- ICM – Institut Chemnitzer Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. – OScar – the development platform for mobile driving with hydrogen. Get in, touch and get to know.
- cH2anceTransformationshub – Get to know our project!
- Vitesco Technologies – Hydrogen mobility on two wheels. Bicycles can also run on H2!
- WätaS Fuel Cell Saxony Gmbh – the self-developed fuel cell from the Ore Mountains
Impressions of the KDW 2023!
The conference will be held in German. We will therefore retain the German titles of the presentations.
09:45 – Admission
10:15–10:45 – B2B-Speed Dating (Participation only possible after prior registration.)
11:00–12:30 – Session 1
- Opening, Andreas Wächtler, AMZ Sachsen | Dr. Gert Schlegel, HZwo e.V.
- Die neuen Angebote des Transformations-Hubs cH2ance, Michelle Vinke, HZwo e.V.
- Wasserstofftrends im Mobilitätssektor, macht Wasserstoff in der Mobilität Sinn?, Prof. Dr. Thomas von Unwerth,
Technische Universität Chemnitz | HZwo e.V.
- BMW iX5 Hydrogen and Future H2-Storage Solutions, Dr. Klaas Kunze, BMW AG
12:30–13:30 – Lunch and Network Break | Technology Exhibition
13:30–15:00 – Session 2
- Die Multi-Pathway-Strategie von Toyota als Weg zur Dekarbonisierung, Ralph Müller, Toyota Deutschland GmbH
- Paul Nutzfahrzeuge #Transforming Trucking, Thomas Kotowski, Paul Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH | Special Trucks & Chassis
- Sektorenkopplung mit Wasserstoff im industriellen Bereich, Dr. Michael Reinstädtler, Robert Bosch GmbH
- Panel Discussion: Großserienfertigung und Preissenkung – Wann ist der Markt bereit?
- Dr. Ulrike Beyer, Fraunhofer IWU
- Dr. Klaas Kunze, BMW AG
- Ralph Müller, Toyota Deutschland GmbH
15:00-15:45 – Coffee and Network Break | Technology Exhibition
15:45–16:45 – Session 3
- 75 years of AVL: From engineering office to the world's leading mobility technology company, Bram Peters,
AVL Deutschland GmbH
Exkurs: Woher kommt der Wasserstoff?
- Wasserstoff bedarfsgerecht erzeugen für Entwicklung und Erprobung von Brennstoffzellen- sowie Elektrolysekomponenten und ohne Speicherung, Luca Winterstein, SCHMIDLIN Labor + Service GmbH & Co.KG
- Ist Wasserstoff (noch) der Schlüssel zur nachhaltigen Mobilität?, David Aumüller, H2 MOBILITY Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
16:45–17:00 – Coffee and Network Break | Technology Exhibition
17:00–18:00 – Session 4
- Vom Wärmetauscher zur Brennstoffzelle, Florian Enders, WätaS FuelCell Saxony GmbH
- Brennstoffzellen in Freizeit- und Offroad-Anwendungen – Sinnvoll oder technologischer Overkill?, Tom George,
move technology GmbH - HyLight – Livevorführung mit Wasserstoff, Dr. Jörg Nitzsche und Peter Nattrodt, DBI - Gastechnologisches
Institut gGmbH Freiberg
18:00–19:00 – Conclusion and Networking
The congress is funded by the cH2ance transformation hub project 💧 We support the development of closed value chains and a competitive supplier industry for hydrogen drives in Germany and look forward to answering all current questions. 👉 cH2ance is a national and interdisciplinary alliance of established hydrogen innovation clusters and automotive and supplier networks.
cH2ance is a national and interdisciplinary alliance of established hydrogen innovation clusters and automotive and supplier networks. We support the development of closed value chains and a competitive supplier industry for hydrogen drives in Germany.